It is 354 mi, if you take I-40 E. This is the shortest route.
24W to 57N to 64W to 70W to 435N to 29N to 90W to 15N
The shortest driving distance is 218 miles.
The distance from Nashville, TN, to Newnan, GA, is approximately 230 miles. The driving time is around 3.5 to 4 hours, depending on traffic and route taken.
If you take the shortest driving route it will take about 6 hours and 16 minutes and is 418.4 miles.
The shortest driving distance is 566 miles.
Nashville, TN, to Cartersville, GA. The shortest driving distance is 207 miles.
Take U.S. 45 SOUTH to I-40 EAST. Take I-40 EAST to Nashville.
The shortest distance is 198 miles.
The shortest time is 27 hours.
The results of your search for Buffalo, NY (BUF) to Nashville, TN (BNA)Shortest Flight Duration 3 hours 20 mins
distance from Nashville, TN to murfeesboro, tn