The road distance between Cocoa Beach, FL and Huntington, WV is approximately 990 miles.
1,212 road miles.
590 road miles.
60 road miles.
55 miles taking SR-528 EAST (toll road).
The distance between Charlotte NC and Nashville is about 408 road miles.
About 135 road miles.
About 1,095 road miles.
Distance from Washington DC to Nashville is: 566 road miles or 492 nautical miles.Source: Time and Date.comDistance from Washington DC to Nashville is: 566 road miles or 492 nautical miles.Source: Time and Date.comDistance from Washington DC to Nashville is: 566 road miles or 492 nautical miles.Source: Time and Date.comDistance from Washington DC to Nashville is: 566 road miles or 492 nautical miles.Source: Time and Date.comDistance from Washington DC to Nashville is: 566 road miles or 492 nautical miles.Source: Time and Date.comDistance from Washington DC to Nashville is: 566 road miles or 492 nautical miles.Source: Time and
The distance between Nashville TN and Tampa FL is about 705 road miles.
About 1,900 road miles.
Orlando is about an hour to an hour and a half drive to the nearest ocean beaches on the east coast of Florida, such as Cocoa Beach or Daytona Beach.