The distance between Waco TX and Leander TX is about 94.3 road miles.
102 miles
210 road miles.
The driving distance is about 200 road miles and total driving time is approximately 3.5 hours.
43.7 road miles on the recommended route according to our friends at Google maps
By road it is about 25 miles west of Waco.
Killeen is approximately 60 miles north of Waco, Texas. Travel time between the two cities is typically around 1.5 to 2 hours by car, depending on traffic and road conditions.
It is 180 miles according to Google Maps.
Right around 500 miles.
The road distance between the places is 180 miles. This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Also it should be noted that various traffic rules like one ways and no entries have not been considered when calculating this distance.
The duration of Arlington Road is 1.95 hours.