Yes, Grand Rapids is the second largest city in Michigan. Detroit is first.
The driving distance from Detroit, Michigan to Grand Rapids, Michigan is 157.7 miles. This drive takes approximately 2 hours 22 minutes.
Grand Rapids is closer to Chicago. It is in West Michigan, while Detroit is on the east side of the state.
Michigan's largest cities are Detroit and Grand Rapids.
Detroit, Kalamazoo, Flint, Grand Rapids and others plus some in the Upper Peninsula too.
* Detroit * Kalamazoo For Detroit you have the Detroit River. Also Grand Rapids you have the Grand River.DetroitKalamazooBoth of these are both a city and a river in Michigan.
About 2.5 hours
detroit, grand rapids, and lansing
Detroit, Grand Rapids
The Detroit and Grand Rapids zoos have elephants, or did.
Detroit and then Grand Rapids