Keyence is a corporation that is located in Osaka, Japan. Their
purpose is to produce various technology, such as bar-code readers,
microscopes, and sensors.
Where can someone purchase current sensors for Nissans?
The internet is a wonderful resource for such things. The
official Nissan website sells them, and any Nissan retailer also
stocks the same sensors.
What is the purpose of a magnetic field produced by charges in a current?
Depends whether Direct Current or Alternating Current.
Only Alternating Current produces magnetic field.
What is the purpose of parallelism?
to pride a load or parallel current path
Is current transformer a sensor or transducer?
A sensor is a device which senses a certain state and responds
to it. A transducer is a device or instrument which senses as well
as converts one form of Energy into the other. Thus all Sensors can
be transducers however all transducers cannot be sensors. the
current transformer steps down the high value of current and makes
it available for measurement. thus it is a sensor because as soon
as current rises or falls below a certain stage the secondary of
the current transformer is also affected and it gives a controll
signal to the operating relay.