The price of gasoline in the year 1996 was... $1.21 per gallon. The price of gasoline in the year 1996 was... $1.21 per gallon.
The US national average retail gasoline price in 1990 was $1.00 per gallon. This equates to about $1.83 per gallon in 2015 dollars.
The US national average retail gasoline price in 2010 was $2.79 per gallon. This equates to about $3.05 per gallon in 2015 dollars.
$1.33.5 per gallon average
About 36 cents per gallon.
The US national average retail gasoline price that year was $0.35 cents per gallon. This equates to about $2.15 per gallon in 2015 dollars.
The US national average retail gasoline price that year was $0.20 cents per gallon. This equates to about $3.38 per gallon in 2015 dollars.
The US national average retail gasoline price in 1930 was $0.20 cents per gallon. This equates to about $2.86 per gallon in 2015 dollars.
The average price of a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline in 2007 was $2.80
The US national average retail gasoline price in 2009 was $2.35 per gallon. This equates to about $2.61 per gallon in 2015 dollars.
The US national average retail gasoline price that year was $1.51 per gallon. This equates to about $2.09 per gallon in 2015 dollars.
The US national average retail gasoline price that year was $1.88 per gallon.