Five thousand three hundred thirty (5,330) is the air mileage from Santiago, Chile, to Phoenix, Arizona. That equals 8,578 kilometers or 4,632 nautical miles.
The air distance from London, England, to Santiago, Chile, is 7,239 miles. That equals 11,649 kilometers or 6,290 nautical miles.
The capital city of Chile is Santiago. (Santiago de Chile)
Santiago, also known as Santiago de Chile, is the capital and largest city of Chile.
Yes, Santiago is the capital of Chile.
santiago is the capital of chile...
Yes, it is a city. Santiago is the capital of Chile. Santiago is the largest city in Chile.
The capital of Chile is Santiago.
The capital of Chile is Santiago
The air distance from New York City, New York to Santiago, Chile, is 5,106 miles. That equals 8,216 kilometers or 4,436 nautical miles.
Santiago, Chile is not on a coast.
Yes. Santiago is the capital and largest city of Chile.