It is 1,250 miles.
It is 1,250.99 miles according to MapQuest.
The distance between Prescott, AZ and Palm Springs, CA is 275 miles. Hope that helps!
It is 1,993 miles according to Goole Maps.
the mileage from Banning, Ca to San Jose is 422 miles.
The geographical distance between Oakland, CA and Spring Valley, CA is 459 miles. The driving distance between these two cities is 500 miles. Since the freeway you take to Spring Valley is I-5, though, the trip can be made in 7 hours.
Popular opinion suggests that the best shopping place in Palm Springs, CA is The Cabazon Outlet. The Cabazon houses shops such as Marc Jacobs, Sandro, Maje, La Perla, Carolina Herrara and Max Mara.
14.2 miles
The only flea markets close to Palm Springs CA are the Paris Flea Market Accessories and Sky Village Outdoor Market Place flea markets. Whether these are "good" flea markets will depend on your personal taste.
The Palm Canyon in Palm Desert CA
Barry Manilow lives in the Palm Springs, California area.
What is the mileage from Fountain Valley,CA to Reno, NV