The route between Niagara Falls, Ontario and Union Station in Toronto is approximately 2 hours.
It is 85.2 miles according to Google Maps.
81 miles
81.3 miles
The driving distance is 130 km.
There is 470 miles between Boston, Massachusetts and Niagara Falls, Canada. The halfway point between these two locations is Schenectady, New York.
Buffalo (Buffalo Niagara - BUF) and Toronto (Lester B. Pearson - YYZ) are the two closest major airports to Niagara Falls. There are also regional airports nearby, in Syracuse and on Toronto Island.
There are several buses every day running between Toronto and Niagara Falls, especially to and from the casino. There is also train service available on Via Rail or Amtrak. Check the websites below.
about 80 miles
no... what even made you think that?
about 80 miles