It is 1,452.17 miles according to MapQuest.
There are over 25 places named Burlington in the US. The one in Vermont is 264 miles north on I-89.
1,428 mi 21 h 3 min
886 miles
About 1500
The distance between Raleigh, NC and Providence, RI is 571.0 miles(919.0 km).
The distance between Providence, RI and Maui, HI is 5,015 miles. Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean, while Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic coast.
175 miles taking I-95.
Distance between providence ri and halifax nova scotia1 194 kilometres (742 miles). travel time: 12 h 52 min.
1,281 miles from Providence, RI to Orlando, Fl
Approximately Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Harrisonburg, Virgina