My 2007 HHR has 125,000 miles and has NEVER been to the shop for any mechanical problems whatsoever. It still runs great although sometimes you have to turn it over a couple of times before it starts.
how do you change the alternator on a chevy 2006 hhr
How do i get headlight out on 06 hhr
how to reset Chevy 2008 hhr keyless remote
Heritage High Roof
what make my HHr hesitate when driving
what year transmissions will fit HHR
It stands for Heritage High Roof (HHR)
No, Im sorry but the Chevy hhr 2lt does not count as a sports car. The hhr 2lt counts as a crossover vehicle. But the hhr does seem to come in a variety of sporty colors.
The IAT on a 2006 Chevy HHR is part of the MAF sensor. You will find the IAT located on the large air box under the hood of the Chevy HHR.
The Chevy HHR received a 4 out of 5 rating for buyers seeking to own a compact wagon. The Chevy HHR continues to be a respectable choice for those who seek good features and a good fuel economy.
One can find Chevy HHR accessories from the 'HHR Boutique' website. They sell interior and exterior accessories. They can also be purchased from 'CarID' and 'JC Whitney'.
hhr cevy sway bar hitting frame making knock.