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That verys depending on on the finical institution borrowing you the money, also the make model year miles ext... they will want to know what amount you wanna borrow and then based on all that info u give them they will pick a term based off all the info and then give you your interest rate for instance if u borrow 1000$ at a 12 month term your interest is lower than if u borrowed the same 1000$ at a 18 month or 24 month term

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Q: What is the interest rate for a car loan with a fico score of 631?
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What is the interest rate for an auto loan with a fico score of 605?

high,about 15%-18%

What is a common interest rate with a 721 fico score?

The higher your FICO credit score, the lower your interest rate is commonly. If your score is at 721 then your interest rate may be approximately 3 percent.

What is the insert rate on a 30 year mortgage with a fico score of 686?

Your interest rate depends on the bank that you go to. Talk to different loan officers to determine the best interest rate for you.

When you apply for a home loan will the interest you get depend on your FICO credit score?

Yes, your home loan's interest rate will depend on your FICO score. However, your employment history, current income levels, amount of your down payment, and market (prime) rates will also be factored in when determining the interest rate on your home loan. Individuals with very low FICO scores may not even be able to qualify for a home loan at any rate, at least without a substantial down payment or a co-signer with better credit.

What does a fico credit score of 826 mean?

FICO credit scores, which are the most extensively used credit scores, range from 300 to 850. A credit score of 826 means that you would be considered a low risk for a loan. You would also have a lower interest rate on a loan than someone who has a lower FICO credit score.

What company will approved a score of 587 for a home loan?

Most companies will approve a FICO score of 587 for a home loan. With this score, expect a higher interest rate since one will be considered a sub-prime borrower with 587 score.

Can you get a good loan rate with a FICO score of 826?

Uh, yes. That's extremely good.

How does a FICO score of 672 affect being accepted for home loans?

It affects your interest rate.

Can you get a good mortgage rate with a FICO score of 686?

FICO score for mortgageDepends on your definition of "good". You can get a mortgage with 686 score. FICO score over 720 will get you the best mortgage rate.

Auto Loans and Interest Rates?

The interest rate you get with your auto loan depends on a few things. Your credit score, where you live, and the length of your loan all play a role in determining your interest rate. Of these, your credit score is the biggest factor. The difference between good credit and bad credit can mean thousands of dollars. Here is a look at the range of interest rates for auto loans. Assuming you take out a 48 month auto loan, you can expect an interest rate of between 4.9% and 18.7%. This is based off of national averages. People with a FICO score of about 720 can expect the 4.9% rate. If your credit score is between 690 and 720, your interest rate will be around 6.4%. If your credit score is in the middle of the 600's, you start to see higher interest rates. A credit score of 620 will give you an interest rate of 11.89%. A score less than that will mean an interest rate of 17% and higher. As you can see, a steep price is paid for having bad credit. Not only are your monthly payments higher, but you will pay more over the length of the loan.

Is a credit score of 757 good?

I would say, according to most measures, that a 757 FICO score is an excellent score. This score qualifies for the lowest interest rates on home mortgages from many banks. As for auto loans, you are squarely in the top tier; a FICO score of 720, in most cases, qualifies you for the lowest interest rates on that type of loan. Of course, there are other factors which would lead to the lowest interest rate--but a high FICO score seems to be quite a significant factor. I would only be concerned if my credit practices (such as paying bills 30 days late) causes that score to become LOWER.

What kind of credit score value do you need to qualify for used car loans?

When deciding whether to finance a car, the loan servicer will look at your FICO score, among other criteria. A prime customer would have a FICO score above 700. If your score is lower than that, you won't necessarily be disqualified, but your interest rate will be higher. If your score is less than 620, you may have difficulty finding a lender.