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150 miles

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Q: What is the greatest distance between the northern and southern borders of north carolina?
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What is the greatest distance between the northern and southern border of Kansas?

The greatest distance between the northern and southern border of Kansas is approximately 211 miles.

What is the distance from north Carolina northern border to southern boader?

150 miles

What is the distance between the southern and northern borders of North Carolina?

150 miles

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North Carolina is closer to the equator in northern Argentina than in southern Spain. The distance between North Carolina and the equator is shorter when compared to the distance between North Carolina and southern Spain due to the geographical location of these areas.

What is the greatest distance between the northern and southern borders of nc?

150 miles

Is South Carolina in the northern or southern hemisphere?

South Carolina is in the northern hemisphere.

What is the distance in miles from the US northern and southern border?

Greatest north-south distance in the 48 contiguous states: 1,650 miles

Widest distance from northern us to southern us border?

Greatest north-south distance in the 48 contiguous states: 1,650 miles

Why was the southern part of Carolina more prosperous the northern part?

southern part of Carolina was more prosperous than the northern partBecause it had more fertile farmland.

What is the distance from northern Hawaii to southern Hawaii?

54 miles from northern to southern Hawaii

Why was the southern part of Carolina more prospers than the northern part?

southern part of Carolina was more prosperous than the northern partBecause it had more fertile farmland.

What is the distanct between the northern border of the US and its southern tip?

Greatest north-south distance in the 48 contiguous states: 1,650 miles