a: a d: daddy o: of c: child t: trying to o: oranize r: routine and meals
a: a d: daddy o: of c: child t: trying to o: oranize r: routine and meals
M moral o obliging t teacher h humble e eligible r respectful
M moral o obliging t teacher h humble e eligible r respectful
What is the full form of Hotel? H O T E L
E a r t h l e a k a g e c i r c u i t b r e a k e r ( e l c b )
C-common o-operating m-machine p-particular u-users t-technology e-education and r-research
North atlantic treaty organization.
der's no full form for computer!!! C - commonly O - oriented M - machine P - particularly U - used T - for trade E -education R -and research
PROJECT stands for: Planning Resource Operation Joint effort Engineering Co-operation Technique
The full form for NCERT is National Council of Educational Research and Training. This is a schooling.
t r a n s p o r t a t i o n