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Divide the Watts by 12

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Q: What is the equation for figuring out how many amps your car amp puts out?
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I have a stun-gun that throws 1.9 amps how can i find out how many volts it puts out?

No sir, you must be mistaken. 1.9 amps even at 110 volts would be lethal. Stun guns work in the 0.0015 to 0.003 amps. No way to determine voltage without additional information.

What is stronger a 1 amp battery charger or a 9v battery?

You cannot compare these two totally different things. As far as amperage the charger puts out more amps if it is an auto battery charger and also puts out 12 volts. If you are talking about a 9 volt battery charger then the battery may or may not be more powerful, it depends on how many mii-amps the charger is putting out.

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Making an equation "y = ~$%#" by solving for y puts it into the simplest form to graph.

How can I insure that I have proper attic ventilation?

The Federal Housing Administration recommends that you have at least one square foot of attic ventilation for every 300 feet of attic space. You can find out if you have enough by figuring out how many square feet you have in your attic and then figure out the lineal feet that your exhaust fan puts out.

How do I determine how many amps I need for a 3PH 10HP motor with 208 voltage?

First and foremost is the information the manufacturer puts on the nameplate of the motor. Second, the generic amperage can be found on motor charts that are on the Internet. Third you can use a formula to find the approximate amperage. HP = Amps x Volts x 1.73 x pf/746. Transposed for Amperage, Amps = HP x 746/Volts x 1.73 x pf. Use pf = .9 Amps = 10 x 746/ 208 x 1.73 x .9 = 7460/323.85 = 23.03 amps. See how much easier it is to read the nameplate.

What is the Stator output 2005 roadstar?

Hi As far as I have been able to figure out the 1600 puts out a whopping 21 amps, the 1700 puts out you ready for this? 20 amps. Not much anyway, so if you are looking to add a bunch of lighting like halogen rode lights better look for a higher out put stator and heavy duty regulator - rectifier, They are out there but nailing the seller down to actual output is hard. Hope this helps.

What is the similarity between an ordinary chemical equation and a nuclear equation?

A chemical equation puts down on the LHS the chemicals mixed together and on the RHS the results. A nuclear equation puts on the LHS the target element, with an incident particle if relevant, and on the RHS the results. But in a chemical process the constituent elements must balance on each side, whereas with a nuclear change the elements can be converted to other elements.

What happends when positive and negative charge are not in balance?

Your teacher puts a big red cross next to your chemical equation and tells you to balance it properly.

How many amps will 10 wire hold?

A 10-gauge wire can typically handle around 30-35 amps of current. It is important to consult the National Electric Code and wire manufacturer specifications to determine the maximum current carrying capacity of a specific wire in a given installation.

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How many horsepower does a 98 corvette have?

All models puts out 345HP

How do you figure out the amps of a transformer when it only tells you it puts out 20 vdc?

I suspect you are referring to an external power supply for a device, which consists of a transformer and a smoothing circuit of some kind. Look on the device it powers, there may well be a rating plate or an input fuse. You might also find a VA rating or wattage rating. If so, Google for power formulae to manipulate to find amps.