The distance between Charlotte, NC and Hickory (Catawba County), NC is 45.0 miles(72.0 km).
The distance from Hickory, NC to London is 3996 miles (6432 km).
175 miles.
73 miles taking this route:Take NC-73 WEST from Concord to I-77 in Huntersville. Turn right onto I-77 NORTH.Take I-77 NORTH to I-40 WEST to HICKORY at EXIT 51B in Statesville.Take I-40 WEST to Hickory.
73 miles
30.4 miles
About 120 miles on I-40
The driving distance from Hickory, North Carolina to Spencer, North Carolina is 56 miles.
The Hickory ZIP Codes are 28601, 28602 and 28603.
Hickory,North Carolina to Roanako,VA
175 miles.
The address of the Hickory Museum Of Art is: Po Box 2572, Hickory, NC 28601-5168