There are about 59.473 miles between Alpine, TX and Ft Stockton, TX.
7 hours, 506 miles
335 miles taking this route:Take U.S. 290 WEST from Austin to I-10 WEST.Take I-10 WEST to Ft. Stockton.
3740 ft.
215 miles taking U.S. 285.
Lubbock, TX is 3256 ft (922 m) above sea level.
Abilene, TX has an elevation of approximately 1,736 feet (529 meters) above sea level.
The elevation of Amarillo, TX is approximately 3,605 feet (1,099 meters) above sea level.
Fort Worth's elevation is 653 feet (199 meters).
It is approximately 313 miles from San Antonio TX to Fort Stockton TX.
What is the Elevation of San Antonio TX
The address of the Historic Fort Stockton is: 301 E 3Rd St, Fort Stockton, TX 79735