Toronto to Saskatoon Saskatchewan is 2000 miles.
1900 miles
2905 Kilometers. Traveling via Interstate 94.
What is driving time between North Battleford Saskatchewan and Red Deer Alberta
Estimated driving time between Toronto and Thunder Bay is 18.5 hrs.
The driving distance from Indianapolis to Toronto is, 440 miles.Source: Time and
The driving distance from Regina, Saskatchewan to Branson MO is 1,289 road miles - about 22 hours driving time.
793 km
Google Maps estimates the driving time 37 hours.
240 miles
From the second Sunday of March until the first Sunday of November, Toronto is two hours ahead of Saskatchewan. During the rest of the year, Toronto is one hour ahead of Saskatchewan.6 AM CST = 7 AM EST = 8 AM EDT
The distance between Toronto, ON, Canada, and Phoenix, AZ, USA, is 3,690km and will take approximately 34 Hours of driving time.