The driving distance is about 225km.
The driving distance between Roscommon, Ireland and Shannon, Ireland is about 146 km (90.6 miles) - approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes driving time.
Just over three hours
The closest major airport to Enniscorthy, Ireland is Waterford Airport (WAT / EIWF). This airport is in Waterford, Ireland and is about 69 km (43 miles) driving distance from the center of Enniscorthy.
The shortest driving distance is 102 miles.
38 miles / 61km
The journey from Shannon Airport to Ballyneety in Limerick typically takes around 30-40 minutes by car, depending on traffic and road conditions.
61.1 km or 1 hr 2 min driving
203 miles
About 640 miles.
It is 272 kilometers and an estimated driving time of 3 hours and 34 minutes according to Google Maps.
The shortest driving distance is 50.4 miles.