The driving distance from Scranton, Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is 125 miles.
The driving distance from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is 304 miles.
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 34 minutes.
about 20-40
12 hours
It is 58.9 miles according to Google Maps.
It would be approximately 92.08 miles. The time depends on how fast you are driving. If you live in Milwaukee, try asking a local neighbor.
The driving distance from Milwaukee, Wisconsin to Detroit, Michigan is 371.5 miles. The estimated driving time is 6 hours 10 minutes.
The driving distance from Milwaukee to Chicago is 91.4 miles per Map Quest. The driving time from Milwaukee per Map Quest is 1 hour and 50 minutes.
12 1/2 hours
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 3 hours and 7 minutes.
It is 435 miles according to Google Maps.