483 miles
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 40 minutes.
The driving distance is about 960 km (595 road miles). The driving time is approximately 12 hours.
The driving distance is 279 Miles. The total time of jurney is 4 hours and 23 minutes.
The driving distance is about 2,090 road miles - approximately 38 hours driving time.
The distance in Ontario, Canada, from Mississauga to Markham is 33 miles. That equals 53 kilometers and about 30 minutes in driving time.
There is no road connection between these two places. Flight is prefered.
Driving distance: 84.6 miles / 136.15 kilometers - Time: 1:29 h
The driving distance from Mississauga, ON, Canada to Niagara Falls, NY, is 70.2mi / 113km
From Mississauga, Ontario CAN to New York, NY USA (771 mi.), is about 8 hrs. 50 min. driving time.
The driving distance is about 41.6 km
Google Maps estimates the driving time as 1 hour and 16 minutes.