It is approximately 372 miles between Paducah, Kentucky and Chicago Illinois.
The driving distance from Chicago, Illinois to Huntington, Indiana is 163 miles / 262 km
195 miles taking I-55.
The shortest driving distance is 81.6 miles.
The driving distance from Chicago, Illinois to Iowa City, Iowa is 222 miles.
It is 18.9 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 280 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 167 miles according to Google Maps.
About 2,100 driving miles.
It is 148 miles according to Google Maps.
Atlanta to Chicago is about 700 miles.
Google estimates the driving time between Providence, Rhode Island and Chicago, Illinois as 16 hours and 51 minutes and the driving time between Providence, Kentucky and Chicago, Illinois as 6 hours and 42 minutes.Google does not provide instructions on how to reach "Divine Proovidence".