The driving distance between Kingston and Montreal is approximately 280 kilometers.
257 km
150 kilometers
Toronto to Montreal is about 550 km.
Driving distance: 106.45 miles / 171.32 kilometers - Time: ~2:01 h
The driving distance between Montreal and Sherbrooke is approximately 150 kilometers, depending on the specific route taken. It typically takes around 1.5 to 2 hours to drive between the two cities, barring any significant traffic or road conditions.
The distance between Montreal and Belleville is about 324.5 kilometers (202 miles), and the driving distance is between 360 and 370 kilometers (225-230 miles). Under ideal driving conditions, the suggested on-road travel time should be very close to 4 hours.
Distance: 155.96 miles / 251 kilometers - Time: ~2:40 h
The total driving distance from Atlanta, GA to Montreal, Canada is 1,214 miles or 1954 kilometers.
The total driving distance from Myrtle Beach, SC to Montreal, Canada is 1,020 miles or 1,642 kilometers.
The distance from Montreal to Toronto is approximately 540 kilometers.
Montreal is about 370 miles from NYC