The driving distance from Bamberg, Germany to Rome, Italy is 716.22mi / 1152.64km
The driving distance from Pisa PI, Italy to Rome, Italy is 230.68mi / 371.25km
The driving distance from Madrid, Spain to Rome, Italy is about 1,217 miles / 1,959 km
The driving distance from Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina to Rome, Italy is 810 miles / 1,303 km.
The driving distance is about 1,050 road miles.
The driving distance is about 190 road miles.
The driving distance by road from Paris to Rome is about 892 miles.
The driving distance is about 75 miles.
The driving distance from Dallas, GA, USA to Rome, GA, USA is 34.67mi / 55.8km
the road distance between Calais and Rome is 1678 km. The driving time is nearly 15 hours.
The driving distance from Rome, Italy to İstanbul, Turkey is 1746km
The total driving distance from Rome, Italy to Zurich, Switzerland is 541 miles or 871 kilometers.