The distance between Portland ME and Rockland ME is about 77.7 road miles.
The driving distance from Rockland, Maine to Bangor, Maine is 71 miles.
Google Maps estimated the driving time as 77.7 miles.
The driving distance from Portland, ME, USA to Belfast, ME, USA is 102.59mi / 165.1km
The driving distance from Portland, ME, USA to Acadia National Park, Maine, USA is 171.07mi / 275.31km
It is 107 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance between Rockland, Maine and The Forks is approximately 75 miles via US-201 N. The estimated driving time is about 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on traffic conditions.
The driving distance from Newark, New Jersey to Portland, Maine is 328 miles / 528 km
The driving distance from Philadelphia PA to Portland Maine is 408 miles
230 miles
34.3 miles
17.2 miles