Take the D1 / 548 km - about 6 hours 12 mins.
The driving distance is about 575 miles.
The driving distance is about 575 miles.
The driving distance is about 1,044 km
The driving distance from Prague, Czech Republic to Berlin, Germany is 218.17mi / 351.12km
The driving distance from Kraków, Poland to Martin, Slovakia is about 117.9mi / 189.74km
The driving distance from Ljubljana, Slovenia to Prague, Czech Republic is about 719 km (447 miles).
The driving distance between Krakow, Poland and Warsaw, Poland is approximately 293 km with an approximate driving time of 4 hours, 28 minutes.
The driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Krakow, Poland is about 770 miles / 1237 km
The driving distance from Budapest, Hungary to Prague, Czech Republic is 525km
The driving distance is about 238 road miles or 382 km
253 miles