33 miles
The total driving distance from Calgary, Canada to Nova Scotia is 3,059 miles or 4,923 kilometers.
The distance is 257 miles. About 5 hours driving time.
124 miles
87 miles
The distance is approximately 200 - 230 km.
The driving distance (not "as the crow flies") is 546 kilometers, or about 5.5 hours.
About 1,245km
The total driving distance from West Palm Beach, FL to Nova Scotia is 2,115 miles.
34.1 km for about 49 minutes by car
maybe 50 minutes to an hour
The driving distance between Truro, Nova Scotia, and Antigonish, Nova Scotia, is approximately 100 km (62 miles). The journey typically takes about 1.5 - 2 hours by car, depending on traffic and road conditions.