The below given calculated time and distance does not include time spent in traffic, effect of weather and other obstacles. The distance between these two places is 867 miles. The above said location can be reached from the starting position in 13 hours 32 minutes.
The driving distance is 867 miles. The journey will take 12 hours and 8 minutes.
The driving distance from Calgary, AB, Canada to Tucson, AZ, USA is 1634.18mi / 2629.96km
The driving distance between Las Vegas and Tucson AZ is about 414 road miles.
The driving distance is approximately 2,246 road miles.
The shortest distance is 1,116 miles.
About 1480 miles
About 2400 miles
770 miles
The driving distance between Calgary, Canada and Tucson, AZ is approximately 1,500 miles. This route typically takes around 24 hours of driving time without factoring in stops or traffic.
922 miles
Approximately 459 miles.
The driving distance between Tucson, AZ and San Antonio, TX is approximately 870 miles. The driving time would be approximately 13 hours 45 minutes if you were to travel non-stop in good driving conditions. (The driving time does not take into consideration conditions which may extend trip time such as weather, road work and rush hour traffic in urban areas.)