Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, changes in speed, etc. The distance between Houston, Texas and Gatlin(burg), Tennessee is about 963 miles. The resulting travel time is approximately 14 hours and 41 minutes.
Chattanooga is in Tennessee.
The driving distance is about 415 miles.
I just made the trip from Greeneville, TN to Houston and it was right at 1000 miles.
The driving distance is about 320 miles.
The distance from Houston to Beeville is 158.2 Miles.
The driving distance is 22 miles per Map Quest. The driving time is 30 minutes.
The shortest driving distance is 186 miles.
The driving distance from Houston, TX to Palm Springs, CA is 1,444 miles.
The driving distance from Palm Springs, CA to Houston, TX is 1,442 miles.
The driving distance from Houston, Texas to Nashville, Tennessee is 785 miles per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 12 hours and 5 minutes.
About 165 miles.