The driving distance is about 325 miles.
287 miles taking this route:Take I-26 EAST from Orangeburg to I-95 SOUTH to SAVANNAH at EXIT 169A.Take I-95 SOUTH to St. Augustine.
The driving distance from Erie, Pennsylvania to Savannah, Georgia is about 820 miles.
The driving distance from Savannah to St. Augustine is approximately 160 miles, which typically takes about 3 hours to drive depending on traffic and road conditions.
The total driving distance from Dallas, TX to Savannah, GA is 983 miles.
The driving distance from Savannah, Georgia to Bismarck, North Dakota is 1,785 miles.
The driving distance from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to Savannah, Georgia is 227 miles.
The driving distance in miles between Charlotte, North Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia, is 252 miles.
The driving distance is about 540 miles.
The driving distance from Savannah, GA, USA to Lebanon, PA, USA is: 717.29mi / 1154.37km
The shortest distance is 33 miles.
The driving distance from Boston, Massachusetts to Saint Augustine, Florida is 1,199 miles and about 20 hours behind the wheel.