447 miles taking this route:
The driving distance from Sacramento, California to Stockton, California is 47 miles.
I need the driving distance between Sacramento, Ca and Bend, Oregon
The driving distance from Sacramento, CA, USA to Moab, UT 84532, USA is 880.43mi / 1416.92km
The driving distance is approximately 87.5 road miles.
About 200 miles.
About 3,480 miles.
893 road miles.
The driving distance between Sacramento, CA and Washington State can vary depending on the specific cities being traveled to. However, on average, it is around 750-850 miles.
783.39mi / 1260.75km
The driving distance between Portland OR and Sacramento CA is 579 miles via I-5 per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 9 hours and 1 minute.
The driving distance from Sacramento to Houston is 1929 miles. The driving time is about 27 hours.
The driving distance from San Francisco, California to Sacramento, California is: 87 miles.