The distance between Sedona and Lake Tahoe is 542 miles.
The driving distance from Crownpoint, NM to Sedona, AZ is 270 miles.
1570 miles
1558 miles
The distance by road between Sedona and Durango is 342 miles.
It is 113 miles according to Google Maps.
It is 462 miles according to Google Maps.
The distance between the start point and the destination is 317 miles, and will take approximately 8 hours 38 minutes of driving time.
The driving distance from Salt Lake City to Sedona is 538 miles per Map Quest. The driving time to Sedona per Map Quest is 9 hours.
165 miles.
The driving distance from San Jose, CA to Sedona, AZ is approximately 750 miles, which would take around 12-13 hours by car.
It depends on the route you take, but the approximate driving distance is 280 road miles.