The driving distance is about 330 miles.
The driving distance from Ottawa, ON, Canada to Virginia Beach, VA, USA is 708.61mi / 1140.39km
The driving distance from Simcoe, Canada to Ottawa, Canada is 370 miles / 595 km
It is 761 miles according to Google Maps.
The driving distance is about 708 km.
The driving distance from Santa Fe, NM to Ottawa, KS is 708 miles.
200km, or 2hrs and 21min of driving time
Driving distance: 448.39 miles - Time: ~7:17 h
The driving distance is approximately 790 road miles or 1,270 km.
The driving distance is approximately 321 road miles or 517 km.
I understand that the distance can be up to 7-8 hours driving time.
Ottawa is about 110 KM from Brockville and it should take about 90 minutes to get there.