It is 1009.26 miles according to MapQuest.
What is the driving distance between Portland, Or and Medford, Or?
the distance between San Jose and Portland is 666 miles.
the distance between Portland Or and Montreal Canada is 2,943.6 miles.
There are about 460.281 miles between Georgia and Memphis.
The distance between Memphis, TN and Norman, OK is 417 miles or 672 km.
There are 115 miles between Portland and Newport Oregon.
The flight distance from Memphis, Tennessee to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania is 880 miles.
The driving distance between Portland Oregon and Eugene Oregon is 178 kilometres (111 miles).
The driving distance between Greenville ME and Portland ME is 154 road miles.
The driving distance from Portland, OR to Mulino, OR is 25 miles.
The driving distance between Ontario, CA and Portland, OR is 998 road miles.