The distance is 28.8 Miles. The drive takes about 37 minutes.
The driving distance between Albuquerque, NM and Marina Del Rey, CA is approximately 837 miles with an approximate driving time of 13 hours, 31 minutes.
870 miles.
about 45 minutes
290 miles
25 miles
The distance from Singapore International Airport to Marina Bay, Singapore is 11.8 miles. The driving time is approximately 18 minutes.
Straight Line 176.73 miles.
About half a mile (they are very close).
25 miles
Google earth measures it at 33.5 miles from exiting Marina Del Rey, CA harbor to the closest point of Catalina Island,CA. But it looks like it is another 15 miles SE to Avalon, where it seems the boats arrive on Catalina.
Themis Glatman Fleet Captain SMWYC The nautical distance from Marina Del Rey and the #3 buoy entrance to San Diego is +- 105 Nautical Miles. This is the distance for our racers when we do our 4th of July event from MDR to San Diego.