The distance between Marietta, GA and Alpharetta, GA is approximately 16 miles.
422 miles
268 miles
The driving distance between Dallas and the Arkansas state line is approximately 175 road miles - about 3 hours of driving time, depending on what route(s) you take.
About 400 miles
The driving distance from the Arkansas state line to Atlanta GA is 381 road miles.
The driving distance between Melbourne, Arkansas and Springfield, Missouri is approximately 175 miles. This typically takes around 3 hours to drive, depending on traffic and road conditions.
The driving distance between Marietta GA and Waycross GA is 274 miles per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 4 hours and 24 minutes.
between 790 and 842 depending on your route. its called google maps.
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Hope, Arkansas is about 210 miles.
The driving distance is about 572 road miles.
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Pine Bluff, Arkansas is 330 miles.