621 miles
The driving distance from Austin, Texas to Las Cruces, New Mexico is 624 miles (about 9 hours behind the wheel).
The driving distance is about 370 miles.
About 1,530 miles.
The driving distance between Las Cruces NM and Denver CO is 667 miles via I-25 per Map Quest. The driving time per Map Quest is 9 hours and 25 minutes.
The driving distance from El Paso, Texas to Las Cruces, New Mexico is 45 miles via I-10 W per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 46 minutes.
The driving distance between Las Cruces, NM and Tucson, AZ is around 340 miles. Driving time can range from 5 to 6 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
The route with the shortest driving time is about 685 miles.
750 miles
The driving distance from Las Cruces, NM to Mesa, AZ is approximately 370 miles, which usually takes around 6-7 hours depending on traffic and route taken.
The distance between the starting point and the destination is 686mi, (1,104km), and with reasonable traffic conditions it will take approximately 10 hours 23 minutes of driving time.
According to Google Maps, 1,157 miles.