What is the driving distance from Edmonton to Windsor Ontario?
The driving distance from Sarnia to Windsor is 72.9 road miles.
About 280km
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Barrie, Ontario and Windsor, Ontario is 424 km. The resulting travel time is 4 hours and 58 minutes.
it is a little over an hour
The driving distance from Chicago, Illinois to Windsor, Canada is 289 miles / 465 km
The driving distance is about 445 road miles (716 km) and total driving time is approximately 8.5 hours.
About 1,270 miles.
About 1 and half hours i think....
335 kilometres taking this route:Take HIGHWAY 403 WEST from Oakville to HIGHWAY 401 WEST to LONDON at the END of HIGHWAY 403.Take HIGHWAY 401 WEST to Windsor.
The driving distance from Windsor, Ontario, Canada to Pickering, Ontario, Canada is 246.6 miles. The travel time is 3 hours 49 minutes to 3 hours 54 minutes.
120 miles