The road distance between the places is 1670 miles. This is the distance when the shortest route is chosen. Also it should be noted that various traffic rules like 'one ways' and 'no entries' have Not been considered when calculating this distance.
What is the driving distance from Lake Tahoe to Yosemite Park?
1662 miles
The distance between Sedona and Lake Tahoe is 542 miles.
Depending on the route that you take the distance between Phoenix and Lake Tahoe is between 764 miles and 770 miles. When driving, it will take a little over thirteen hours of driving.
169 driving miles.
The driving distance from Lake Tahoe to Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, USA is 331.97mi / 534.26km
200 miles
The driving distance from Lake Tahoe to Seattle, Washington is 810 miles.
about 335 miles
449.92mi / 724.08km
About 16.77mi / 26.99km
The driving distance from Reno-Tahoe International Airport to Lake Tahoe is 59 miles.