Houston is closer to Austin than it is to Dallas. The driving distance to Austin is 165 miles per Map Quest. The driving distance to Dallas is 238 miles per Map Quest.
The total driving distance from Dallas, TX to NRG Stadium is about 250 miles.
385 kilometers
Spring Texas is near Houston, it is about 217 miles from Dallas.
The round trip distance between Dallas and Houston is approximately 500 miles.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Dallas, Texas and McKinley, Houston, Texas is 236 miles. The resulting travel time is 4 hours and 3 minutes.
The driving distance between Dallas, OR and Medford, OR is approximately 250 miles via I-5 South.
The driving distance between Dallas TX and Bayonne NJ is 1544 miles
It is 268 miles from Fort Sam Houston to Dallas, TX.
The driving distance from Dallas, TX, to Connecticut, is around 1,645.87mi / 2648.78km
The driving distance from Dallas, Texas to Maryland (MD) is about 1,359 miles.
The total driving distance from Dallas, TX to Brunswick, ME is 1,892 miles.