The driving distance between Elmira NY and Georgia is approximately 922 mi (1484 km).
The shortest driving distance is 152 miles.
The distance mentioned between the above mentioned places is 19.52mi . This is an approximate driving distance. The actual driving distance may differ according to the path chosen.
239 miles (385 kilometres) from Elmira NY and 498 miles (801 kilometres) from Elmira ON Canada.
165 miles if you're in New York.
The air distance from Elmira University, Elmira, New York, to University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, is 665 miles. That equals 1,070 kilometers or 578 nautical miles.
That distance is 119 miles.
That distance is 119 miles.
The distance between Elmira and Peekskill, NY is approximately 190 miles by car, with a driving time of around 3 hours. It may vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.
205 miles taking this route:Take NY-16 EAST, from Elmira, to U.S. 6 to BEAR MOUNTAIN at EXIT 130A.Take U.S. 6 EAST to PEEKSKILL.
You can apply for local truck driving jobs in Elmira, NY at Another good site is You can actually find lcoal truck driving jobs in your area if you visit and apply for them online. You can also try in your area for truck driving jobs opportunities.
The Appalachians are 1500 miles long. You can encounter them in Elmira, NY, 165 miles southeast of the falls.