Cheyenne, Wyoming is 441 miles west on Interstate 80 from Lincoln, Nebraska.
3082 miles
1080 miles
There is a distance of some 1,600 kilometers (994 miles) between Wyoming and the Gulf of Mexico (distance between Cheyenne, WY and Galveston, TX).
It is about 1187 miles.
244 miles taking this route:Take I-25 NORTH from Cheyenne to WYO-25 to DOUGLAS and GILLETTE at EXIT 140.Turn left at the light off the exit ramp onto WYO-25 NORTH to GILLETTE; take WYO-25 NORTH to Gillette.
It is 957 miles according to Google Maps.
70 miles
Driving time from Dallas, Texas to Cheyenne, Wyoming is 13 hours and 25 minutes.
Cheyenne WY to Seattle WA is 1,239 miles and 17 hours 45 minutes driving time.
The driving distance from Montgomery, Alabama to Cheyenne, Wyoming is 1,478 miles per Map Quest. The driving time is 21 hours 36 minutes.
The halfway point between Casper, Wyoming and Cheyenne, Wyoming is a spot on I25 north of Wheatland, Wyoming.