Huntersville NC, to Charlotte/Douglas International Airport: The distance between the start location and the destination is 18.8mi, (30.3km), and will take approximately 22 minutes of driving time.
252 miles
The driving distance from Durant, Oklahoma to Charlotte, North Carolina is 1,061 miles.
The driving distance in miles between Charlotte, North Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia, is 252 miles.
The driving distance from Charlotte, NC, USA to Newport News, VA, USA is 351mi / 565km
The driving distance from Charlotte, NC, USA to Williamsburg, VA, USA is 316.31mi / 509.05km
The shortest driving distance is 326 miles.
Charlotte, NC to Dublin, OH is about 440 driving miles.
The driving distance from Welcome, NC 27295, USA to Charlotte, NC, USA is 62.4 miles.
The driving distance is about 867 road miles.
The shortest driving distance is 925 miles.
The driving distance is 99.6 miles.