About 1,170 miles.
The driving distance from Leipzig, Germany to Berlin, Germany is:120 miles / 193 km
around 600 Kms
The driving distance between Berlin and Frankfurt is 549 km/341 miles, which takes approximately 4 hours and 55 minutes.
About 221 miles on the A13 and E55.
The driving distance from Frankfurt, Germany to Berlin, Germany is 341 miles / 549 km.
354 miles
100 miles
Driving distance to Berlin, Germany /1,140 km - about 10 hours 33 mins.
The driving distance from Prague, Czech Republic to Berlin, Germany is 218.17mi / 351.12km
270 miles on the A19 and E55 and 6 to 6.5 hours driving time.
The driving distance from Zurich, Switzerland to Berchtesgaden, Germany is 290 miles.