206 miles
The address of the Euless Public Library is: 201 N Ector Dr, Euless, 76039 3543
It is 266.74 miles.
The phone number of the Euless Public Library is: 817-685-1480.
It's about 20-25 miles or 15/20 minutes; technically, though, the distance is zero. An arm of the city of Fort Worth stretches east (between Hurst-Euless and Arlington) all the way to the southern end of DFW. The HQ of American Airlines, various other business offices and several apartment complexes are in the neighborhood.
Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District was created in 1958.
Geologically, the large majority of Euless is in the Woodbine Formation, more commonly known as the Eastern Cross Timbers. There is a small elevated area around Glade Road and Euless Main Rd that is a part of the Eagle Ford Formation.
The budget of Hurst-Euless-Bedford Independent School District is 137,800,000 dollars.
Euless is located in Tarrant County, about twenty miles northeast of Fort Worth, and about twenty miles northwest of Dallas. The Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport is situated very near Euless, with some of its airfield within the city limits.
(817) 382-8985
(817) 482-6415