The distance between Harare, Zimbabwe and New York is 7788 miles (12533 km).
The distance between Harare, Zimbabwe and Los Angeles is 10249 miles (16494 km).
Harare (HRE) to New York, NY (NYC)
Flight Duration * 23 hours 25 mins * Via Johannesburg O.R. Tambo International, Johannesburg (JNB)
3876 miles
270 miles
The total driving distance from Mombasa, Kenya to Harare, Zimbabwe is 1,618 miles or 2,604 kilometers.
The travel distance between Australia and Zimbabwe is 6604 miles (10629 kms). It takes about 15 hours to travel from Sydney to Zimbabwe.
Miles: 246.69 Kilometers: 397.00 Bearing: SE
The distance between the above places is approximately equal to 7063 nautical miles. To convert miles to nautical miles, multiply the miles by 0.86. This is point to point straight distance. The actual distance will change according to the route.
Approximately 627km / 389 miles from Gaborone, South-East, Botswana to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
The distance between America and Britain is approximately 3,000 miles.
approx. 9463 miles - flight distance
about 4000 miles
4500 miles long
it is about 3000 miles between England and America