"One cannot travel "by road" between Australia and the United Kingdom" er herm.....you need to check out your globe my friend. you will be surprised just how much of the journey can be completed over-land, 'by road'; check out "Oz-Bus" or your own Atlas you will see a very interesting route.
The distance in road miles between Devon and London is approximately 200 miles.
The driving distance from London to Geneva is 615 road miles.
The driving distance from Holyhead to London is 288 road miles.
282.5 miles by road.
The driving distance is about 288 road miles.
262.5 miles by road.
678 road miles.
The driving distance from Dalaman, Turkey to London is 2,422 road miles.
The distance between London and Wiveton, Holt, UK is about 128 road miles or 205 km.
The road distance London/Edinburgh is 386 miles
The distance is approximately 147 road miles.
The distance is approximately 280 road miles.