Driving distance From Louisville, Kentucky to Cleveland, OH is 349 miles while Lexington, Kentucky to Cleveland is 339 miles, making Lexington closer. Lexington is also closer to Cleveland, Virginia and Cleveland, Tennessee than Louisville.
80 miles
The distance between Louisville, KY and Lexington, KY is approximately 80 miles. This can vary slightly depending on the specific route taken.
The distance between these two places is 634 miles. This distance is only approximate. This is not exact distance.
Distance from Melbourne to LouisvilleDistance is 15623 kilometers or 9708 miles or 8436 nautical milesThe distance is the theoretical air distance (great circle distance). Flying between the two locations' airports can be a different distance, depending on airport location and actual route chosen. I am sorry that I could not find one for Lexington, but that can easily be figured out by adding the miles from Louisville to Lexington.
Lexington, Kentucky's area is 285.52 square miles.
77.58 miles
It is 74.9 miles according to Google Maps.
distance (driving) between charleston wv to lexington ky?
Louisville Lexington Louisville Lexington
The distance is 222 miles from lexington to Omaha
There are two towns named Georgetown in Kentucky. It is 70.93 miles to reach the Georgetown just north of Lexington and for the Georgetown in Harlan County it is 244.62 miles according to MapQuest.