The driving distance is approximately 530 km or 328 road miles.
528 km - about 4 hours 56 mins.
The distance between Tîrgu-Mureș and Budapest is 562 km (on highway).
Cca 40 km
Please the distance between Zlín and Prague is about 300 km.
1) Berlin-Budapest: 689 km (428 mi). 2) Oslo-Budapest: 1482 km (921 mi).
The flight distance from Chicago, Illinois to Budapest, Hungary is: 4,829 miles / 7,771 km
The flight distance from Florida (FL) to Prague, Czech Republic is: 5,035 miles / 8,103 km
The road distance between Budapest and Bucharest is approximately 850 km or about 525 miles.
The distance is approximately 729 km or 453 miles.
About 1,300 km / 808 miles.
the road distance between Paris and Budapest is 1488 km. The driving time is about 13h00.