359.88 miles
It is 317 miles according to Google Maps.
The distance between Cypress, Texas and Houston, Texas is approximately 30 miles.
The driving distance from Houston, Texas to Humble, Texas is 19 miles.
The driving distance from Houston, Texas to Leona, Texas is 110 miles.
Approximately 285 miles
The distance between Houston, Tx and Luling, Tx is 141 miles. Which is about 2 hours and 20 minutes driving distance.
84 miles
28 miles
350 miles taking this route:Take I-45 NORTH from Texas City to U.S. 59 SOUTH to VICTORIA via SAM HOUSTON TOLLWAY WEST (EXIT 32 off I-45) around Houston.Take U.S. 59 SOUTH to Laredo.
The distance between Laredo and Galveston, Texas is 304 miles. If traveling from Laredo to Galveston, you would be going in a north to east direction.
556 miles